Thursday, November 25, 2010

Discovery House Celebration

Our Nov 12 celebration with volunteers at Discovery House was so much fun. About 45 amazing folks came together - some meeting each other for the first time. Serving on God’s behalf is always a blessing to those who serve, as well as those being served. Thank you to everyone who has played a part to bring about this much needed transitional housing program for women and children at Discovery House.

Joy's pictures click here.

Looking for an opportunity to be a part of the excitement? I would love to come to your small group, business or gathering of your friends or neighbors to share our vision, listen to your passions and see how we can provide a gratifying experience in serving those in need. Give me a call or send me an email to schedule a date. Your continued participation is critical to the success of our ambitious program.

In the meantime, there are a variety of ways you can support the program as an individual, as a family or a group …. groceries, paper goods, tutoring, rides, playing with the kids during the weekly house meetings, serve as a life coach to encourage and be an accountability partner for a mom, adopt a family in the house for a monthly outing, sponsor a movie night in the home theatre, financial support needed for one bedroom, financial support for the house (direct support to me as a program director/resident manager or financial support to the Treats (owners of the house) to offset their holding costs on the home. I’m open to any ideas you might want to talk over.

Happy Thanksgiving!